Want to stand out on Airbnb?

Get free professional photography for your new listing!

* Do you want your place to stand out on Airbnb? For a limited time, hosts are being offered the opportunity of free professional photography. Sign up with a Host Ambassador at www.airbnb.com/r/hostambassador and get started today!

* Guests know that great listings have high-quality photos, so it's no surprise they are willing to pay more when looking at listings beforehand. But what many new Hosts may not realize is how important having good shots of all areas in one photo can be too - especially if there are some details you want guests who visit later down the line to see without scrolling past immediately due to their quest to find a good listing.

Did you know that:

-Hosts with professional photos may earn more than other hosts in their area?

-Hosts with professional photos can make up to 20% more on the average?

-Photos are one of the top 3 reasons guests choose to book?

With up to 20 high-quality photos of your home taken by a local professional photographer, you'll have the edge over other hosts in the area. If guests are looking for something specific or want an idea about your listing before booking then this could be just what they need!

For new hosts; this is a valuable opportunity to get free professional photography! Sign up with an Airbnb SuperHost Ambassador and get started today at www.airbnb.com/r/hostambassador. You'll be able to offer guests amazing photos that highlight the best aspects of your place in just one click - all without breaking any bank account but rather by earning more from renting your space!

Brought to you by CohostMyPlace.com