Latest Airbnb Update

Airbnb recent Update

#What it means to hosts!

For hosts who haven’t heard it yet; the following changes are coming to Airbnb starting December 2022.

- [ ] Guests will be able to see the total price of a booking in the search results. They no longer have to click on the Airbnb listing to see the total price.

- [ ] The total price of a booking will be prioritized in the search ranking, instead of the nightly price.

- [ ] New pricing and discount tools will be made available to hosts.

- [ ] Checkout instructions will be shown to guests before they book.

Airbnb Latest Updates

Now, what do all these mean for hosts?

Well, the biggest impact of these changes will be seen among hosts charging a relatively high cleaning fee compared to their nightly rate.

This pricing strategy won’t be attractive anymore going forward as Airbnb is going to show the most cost-effective listings based on the total cost of the booking, not the nightly rate. Since the pricing will now be prioritized in the search algorithm; it will be crucial for hosts to be on the lookout for how their listing will rank in search results moving forward.

Why you should Cohost with our superhost.

Based on these upcoming changes, it is highly recommended for hosts pay attention to their search rankings in Airbnb as well as visibility in search results. At CohostMyPlace, our team has proactively adjusted and braced for the upcoming changes so that our clients will continue to get the maximum value from their listings.

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